Our Major Accounts

Abnet Bt. http://abnet.hu
Server sales and consultancy
Andrews IT Engineering Kft. http://andrews.hu/
System administration and engineering related work
Sytem operation and consultancy
AnonyMail http://anonymail.hu
Free, spam filtered mail service
Betix Bt. http://betix.hu
Consultancy, software development
DreamShow Bt. http://dreamshow.hu
Graphic, design, WEB development
cPanel based webhosting services
Hun-CERT http://cert.hu
Security incidents notification, detection and management
Jambrik Ügyvédi Iroda http://jambrik.hu/
IT and internet rights, intellectual properties, trademarks, contracts
Pintz és Társai Kft. http://szabadalmi.hu/
Trademark and legal office domain brands and patent rights
Intellectual property protection
WPSupport http://wpsupport.hu/
Professional WordPress management, WordPress-related support and consultancy